Gurgaon's Best Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt)s
Looking for Best Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt)s Near Me in Gurgaon. Find Top Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) Doctors in Gurgaon . Same Day Appointments Or Consult Online from Home
Looking for Best Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt)s Near Me in Gurgaon. Find Top Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) Doctors in Gurgaon . Same Day Appointments Or Consult Online from Home
At CB Physiotherapy, Gurgaon, We take holistic approach to care and ensure convenience of accessing Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) service in Gurgaon from Consultation to Treatment to Post Treatment care
High quality physiotherapy care at our CB Physiotherapy Centre near you. Best Treatment for Ortho / Neuro Issues
Home Visits by certified CB Physiotherapists for Patients with mobility issues & for patients looking for convenience
Digital Physio Assistant 'FIZO' for personalized PT exercises at home. Enables affordable & long-term care Mgmt
CB Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt)s offer deep expertise in Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) & transparently educate patients on treatments for a better pateint experience
Vestibular rehabilitation (VR), or vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) is a specialized form of therapy intended to alleviate both the primary and secondary problems caused by vestibular disorders. It is an exercise-based program primarily designed to reduce vertigo and dizziness, gaze instability, and/or imbalance and falls. For most people with a vestibular disorder, the deficit is permanent because the amount of restoration of vestibular function is very small. However, after the vestibular system damage, people can feel better and function can return through compensation. This occurs because the brain learns to use other senses (vision and somatosensory, i.e. body sense) to substitute for the deficient vestibular system. The health of particular parts of the nervous system (brainst...
Get Treatment from Our licensed & highly trained Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) Doctors to ensure that you get the highest quality care in Gurgaon.
At CB Physiotherapy Gurgaon, we use "Integrated Physio Care" approach covering treatments for a wide range of health Conditions & Symptoms
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Our Patient centric approach to Physiotherapy services is duly validated by reviews from patients across clinic care / home care / digital rehab settings
She understands the issues and gives a patient support
Thanks for the treatment, sir, for my back issue; it is quite relaxing now. Pain has been subsidised a lot. I am very satisfied with the treatment I received.
i have been to several physical therapy providers over the years, and this one is by far the best. The therapists is caring and really know their stuff. i got treatment for elbow at my home. its so convenient....
Dr. Surender is an exceptional home physiotherapy services provider who has a wealth of knowledge and experience in treating various conditions. I recently had the pleasure of receiving treatment from him for a...
I had been experiencing severe back pain for about a month. Dr. Surender did a wonderful job of relieving my pain and making me active in my daily lifestyle. He is really hardworking and cooperative.
Some frequently asked questions regarding physiotherapy / chiropractor services. For more FAQ's Click here
Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) is a medical Experts who helps in treatment / manageent of Pain & Mobility Related Issues .At CB Physiotherapy, Our Focus is on Integrated Care where we use multiple therapies & care delivery modes to develop a personalized treatment / exercise program for you which is expected to give the best outcome for your Condition. It Starts with an all-around assessment followed by a personalized treatment program consisting of various types of therapies. Our Efforts Continue after the treatment is over as you would be given an exercise prescription/schedule to be followed at home. Video Library and supported mobile app help in adherence to prescribed exercises and reduce the chances of problem recurrence.
Best Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) for you is one who is an expert in treatment that you need and has established credentials for the same.Other than checking for the Expert's education/qualification make sure that he/she has relevant experience in treating patients with similar issues. Also, a nearby Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) in Gurgaon? should be preferred. CB Physiotherapy has some of the Best Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) Experts in Gurgaon. You can check information about CB Physiotherapy Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) on our page. Simply Select your nearest locality in Gurgaon and find our experts. You can also connect with us over a call and we will match you with the best Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) for your condition.
Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) Session charges are not unifrom across the centers / experts in a Gurgaon. Different Centers & Experts will have different charges. Our Advanced Centers with advanced modalities and other 5-star services will have different charges. Similarly, Experts with high experience and specialized physiotherapists cost more for home service. But Overall, we have very transparent pricing and you can check the same on our website before booking an appointment. Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) session is roughly around 30-45 minutes. In some cases patient might have multiple issues and might need treatment for longer durations. But longer sessions can be quite fatiguing to the patient thereby reducing eficiency. In such case it is best to have multiple sessions in a day and each session should ideally not exceed 1hour.
Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) is used for the treatment or management of many Ortho/Neuro conditions. Some of the conditions where Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) can be helpful are listed above. Also before deciding on Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) in Gurgaon, you need to make sure about certain contraindications. You can check our conditions page to know what specialty of physiotherapy will be most beneficial for you. The best is to discuss your case with our expert and get the most beneficial treatment plan with the best possible outcome for your condition.
You can visit a Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) if you have any concern with Pain ( Typically Back / Neck/ Knee etc ) or Mobility ( Reduced Flexibility / Low Range of Motion etc ) . Also SInce Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) is medicine free treatment with no side efects , Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) should be your First option for seeking treatment / consultation. You dont need a Doctor's prescription for the same. After proper assesment ,if a Vestibular Rehabilitation (vrt) feels that your condition needs interention by a doctor ( ortho/ neuro / other ), he / she would refer you to the right specialisit.