
Top 5 Exercises For Strok...



Exercise can be an important part of managing stroke or cerebrovascular accident (CVA) recovery. A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted, which can cause brain damage and affect movement, speech, and other functions.

1.Knee Extension Strengthening

Sit upright on a chair.
Slowly straighten your affected knee, pointing your toes towards the ceiling.
Control the movement as you slowly lower the leg back down.

2.Marching, In Sitting

Sit up straight in a chair.
Keeping your posture upright, alternately lift your knees up and down as though marching your feet on the ground.
Make sure you do not lean your body backward or sideways as you do this.

3.Ankle Circles PROM

In a seated position, bend your knee, and place your ankle on your thigh.
Use your hand to hold the forefoot, and start gentle circles in once direction.
If the pain allows you to do so, gradually increase the size of the circle.
Repeat in the opposite direction, gradually increasing the amplitude as the pain allows.
Unfold your legs to bring your foot back down to the floor.

4.Knee Hugs

Lie on your back with both legs straight.
Bring one knee in towards your chest, using your arms on your shin to help with the movement.
At the point where you feel a stretch, hold this position.

5.Core/abdominal Stabilization

Lie on your back and bring your legs up to a table-top position with your hips and knees at a right angle.
Relax your upper body as you extend one leg down to the floor, whilst maintaining the table-top position with the other.
Bring this leg back up and repeat with the other leg.
Ensure you keep your core strong and back flattened to the floor throughout this exercise.

Exercises Help But Always Better To Consult A Doctor / Physiotherapist Before Starting Exercise Pogram.

By incorporating these exercises into your daily routine, along with maintaining good posture and being mindful of your movements, you can help alleviate pain and improve your overall condition. Remember to always consult with a physiotherapist before starting any new exercise regimen, particularly if you have a specific injury or condition.

Personalized Exercise Program By CB Specialists.

If you're looking for personalized exercises for a Stroke Or Cerebrovascular Accident, be sure to connect with CB Physiotherapy. Our team of expert physiotherapists will work with you to develop a customized exercise plan that addresses your specific needs and goals. Don't let your pain hold you back any longer, contact CB Physiotherapy today and start on the path to feeling better.

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