
Top 5 Exercises For Gangl...



Ganglion cysts are noncancerous lumps that most commonly develop along the tendons or joints of wrists or hands, exercises can help in managing ganglion cysts.

1.Wrist Flexion

Start in a seated position with your forearm resting on a table and your affected hand palm up.
Keep your fingers relaxed.
Use your other hand to lift the hand upwards.
Hold this position.

2.wrist Extension

Sit or stand with your arm by your side and your elbow bent to 90 degrees.
Straighten your fingers and bend your wrist outwards.
Assist the stretch with your other hand pressing through the palm of your hand.
Hold for a moment and then relax.

Wrist Radial/Ulnar Deviation

Sit upright in a chair with your forearm resting on a table, palm facing down.
Slide your hand towards your thumb and then towards your little finger.
It should look as though you are waving your hand from side to side.

4.Wrist Flexion Strengthening Isometric

Start in a seated position with your forearm resting on a table and your palm facing up.
Place your other hand on the palm of your affected hand.
Attempt to lift your affected wrist up, whilst resisting the movement with your good hand.
Ensure you keep your forearm in contact with the table.
Hold this position.

5.Wrist Extension Strengthening Isometric

Sit upright in a chair.
Place your affected arm on a table with your wrist hanging over the edge, palm facing down and fingers gently curled.
Use your opposite hand to resist the wrist from bending back towards the ceiling.
Try to hold this position without moving.

Exercises Help But Always Better To Consult A Doctor / Physiotherapist Before Starting Exercise Pogram.

By incorporating these exercises into your daily routine, along with maintaining good posture and being mindful of your movements, you can help alleviate pain and improve your overall condition. Remember to always consult with a physiotherapist before starting any new exercise regimen, particularly if you have a specific injury or condition.

Personalized Exercise Program By CB Specialists.

If you're looking for personalized exercises for a Ganglion cyst, be sure to connect with CB Physiotherapy. Our team of expert physiotherapists will work with you to develop a customized exercise plan that addresses your specific needs and goals. Don't let your pain hold you back any longer, contact CB Physiotherapy today and start on the path to feeling better.

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