
Top 5 Exercises For Demen...



Yes, exercises can play an important role in managing dementia. Exercise has also been shown to improve mood, reduce stress, and improve sleep, which are all important factors in overall brain health.

1.Single-leg Stance

Stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart and a ball in your hands.
Stand on one leg, lifting your elevated leg as high as you can
Pass the ball to your other hand by throwing it underneath your elevated leg.
Bring your leg back down and regain your balance.
Allow your symptoms to settle before you try again with the other leg.

2.Brock String

Stand and hold the Brock string with beads placed so that the farthest bead is just in front of your thumb when your arm is extended, the second bead is in the middle of the string and the closest one at a point where you can see a single bead (without seeing double). Look at the farthest bead, it should appear as one bead with two strings going into it, when you look at the center bead, you should perceive two strings going in, and two strings going out. When you look at the closest bead, you will see two strings going out from the bead.
This is a phenomenon of physiologic double vision, the bead you are looking at will be in focus, but it will seem as if the other beads become double. Your goal is to have good focus on one bead at a time. This may make you feel dizzy or lightheaded, but should improve as you repeat the exercises

3.Marching In Place

March in place, lifting your knees to a comfortable height and placing your feet next to each other. Don't allow both feet to be on the ground for long. Don't let head and shoulders sway as you march. You can stand in a corner, occasionally touch the wall to see if you are moving forward, you should stay in one place.
You can do this exercise with your eyes open or closed following your therapists guidelines.

4.Elbow Flexion - Wall Walk

Stand facing a wall.
Place both hands on the wall to chest height with your elbows straight and shoulders relaxed.
Keep your hands in place and with small steps walk closer to the wall so that your elbows bend.
As you walk closer to the wall keep your arms close to your sides and shoulders down.
Then return to the starting position and repeat.

5.Hip Abduction Series

Lie on your good side and rotate your pelvis forward so that your elbows rest on the mat.
Keeping it straight, lift your top leg up and move it back behind you slightly, pointing your toes down towards the floor.
Lower your leg down, and then lift your heel up towards the ceiling.
Next, pull your knees to your chest.
Maintain a gap between both legs.
Now kick your heel back towards your buttocks, keeping the leg in the air.
Finally, make a big circle with your leg.

Exercises Help But Always Better To Consult A Doctor / Physiotherapist Before Starting Exercise Pogram.

By incorporating these exercises into your daily routine, along with maintaining good posture and being mindful of your movements, you can help alleviate pain and improve your overall condition. Remember to always consult with a physiotherapist before starting any new exercise regimen, particularly if you have a specific injury or condition.

Personalized Exercise Program By CB Specialists.

If you're looking for personalized exercises for a dementia, be sure to connect with CB Physiotherapy. Our team of expert physiotherapists will work with you to develop a customized exercise plan that addresses your specific needs and goals. Don't let your pain hold you back any longer, contact CB Physiotherapy today and start on the path to feeling better.

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