
Top 5 Exercises For Achil...



Exercises can be helpful in managing Achilles tendon rupture, a condition where the Achilles tendon, the largest tendon in the body that connects the calf muscles to the heel bone, tears or ruptures.

1.Ankle Circles PROM

In a seated position, bend your knee, and place your ankle on your thigh.
Use your hand to hold the forefoot, and start gentle circles in once direction.
If the pain allows you to do so, gradually increase the size of the circle.
Repeat in the opposite direction, gradually increasing the amplitude as the pain allows.
Unfold your legs to bring your foot back down to the floor.


Stand up straight on one leg.
Bend your knee and then quickly straighten your knee and hop into the air as high as you can.
Take your arms up to help you go higher.
Try to land in the same place you started from.
Repeat and then try it on the other leg.

3.Ankle Circles

Sit upright with your back supported before straightening your leg to do the ankle circles.
Lift your leg up and begin making large slow circles with your foot in one direction for the required number of repetitions.
Switch legs and make circles with the other ankle in the same direction.
Switch legs again and reverse the direction of the movement, perform the required number of repetitions firstly with one ankle and then repeat with the other.
Try to stretch your ankle as much as you can as you feel the stretch in your ankle, foot, and in your lower leg.

4.Toe Raises

Sit up straight in a chair.
With your feet hips-width apart lift your toes and the balls of your feet off the floor so that you are balancing on your heels.
Control the movement as you lower back down to the starting position and then repeat.

5.single-leg Standing

Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
Using your core muscles, gently tighten your bottom muscles as you move your weight over to your affected leg.
If you can keep your balance and hips level, lift the other leg and hold this position.
Do not allow the knee or hip to bend.

Exercises Help But Always Better To Consult A Doctor / Physiotherapist Before Starting Exercise Pogram.

By incorporating these exercises into your daily routine, along with maintaining good posture and being mindful of your movements, you can help alleviate pain and improve your overall condition. Remember to always consult with a physiotherapist before starting any new exercise regimen, particularly if you have a specific injury or condition.

Personalized Exercise Program By CB Specialists.

If you're looking for personalized exercises for a achilles tendon rupture, be sure to connect with CB Physiotherapy. Our team of expert physiotherapists will work with you to develop a customized exercise plan that addresses your specific needs and goals. Don't let your pain hold you back any longer, contact CB Physiotherapy today and start on the path to feeling better.

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